Un Viaggio tra Le Mostre D’arte per le festività da Milano a Varese

28 Dec 2023

Is the exhibition here? Borrowing from a famous phrase, here are some ideas-suggestions for this holiday weekend while waiting for the new year. From Milan passing through Legnano, Gallarate up to Varese many exhibitions underway for the holidays. Beauty surrounds us. (sources arte.it and Yes Milano) …


We start from Milan, the cultural as well as economic capital of the country and the Region.
At Mudec NEWSHA TAVAKOLIAN. AND he THEY LAUGHED AT ME. Until January 28, 2024

Until January 28, Denis Curti, curates this solo exhibition organized by the Deloitte Foundation and Deloitte Italia in collaboration with 24 ORE Cultura present at the Mudec Photo. Newsha Tavakolian's work is presented – through an immersive installation – in the exclusive spaces of Mudec Photo, which since 2018 have continuously hosted exhibitions of the greatest photographers of the twentieth century and our contemporary era.

Moroni – Il ritratto del suo tempo. Gallerie d’Italia

At the Gallerie d'Italia - Milan – MORONI (1521 – 1580). THE PORTRAIT OF HIS TIME, The exhibition started from 06 December 2023 to 01 April 2024, for a fee,  is curated bySimone Facchinetti and Arturo Galansino.
It is included in the Bergamo Brescia Italian Capital of Culture 2023 program and is created in partnership with the Academia Carraraof Bergamo and the Brescia Musei Foundation strong>. The exhibition, the first dedicated to the career of Giovan Battista Moroni, presents over 100 works including drawings, books, medals, armor, but above all paintings coming from prestigious international museums such as the National Gallery in London, the Kunsthistorisches Museum in Vienna, Gemäldegalerie – Staatliche Museen in Berlin, the Musée du Louvre, the Museo Nacional del Prado, the National Gallery of Art in Washington and the Philadelphia Museum of Art. Moroni's works are flanked by important figurative testimonies by Lotto, Moretto, Savoldo, Anthonis Mor, Titian, Veronese and Tintoretto. ​

Milan- Mussa, Royal Palace of Milan

Dal 06 Dicembre 2023 al 04 Febbraio 2024, inaugurata con la apertura della Scala, la mostra curata da Antonio Calbi è a ingresso gratuito ed è promossa dall’Ufficio Cultura del Comune di Milano.

Until 4 February 2024, in the ten rooms of the Appartamento dei Principi, Patrizia Mussa's exhibition presents a journey of analysis of theatricality in architecture through 60 large-format photographs where the photographic act joins the pictorial gesture through refined coloring interventions by hand.http://www.palazzorealemilano.it

Milano – Altro

In addition to those presented in Milan, From Perugino to Palazzo Marino to Beato Angelico to the Diocesan Museum are also underway. At Palazzo Reale and Triennale Gabriele Basilico. My cities

Sempre a Palazzo Reale si può visitare, dal 31 ottobre al 3 marzo 2024Francisco Goya il mondo stava cambiando.  E per concludere sempre a Palazzo Reale Giorgio Morandi con le sue nature mortefiori e paesaggi, sarà in mostra a Palazzo Reale fino al 4 febbraio 2024.
Per ulteriori info vai su Yes Milano il portale delle Mostre Milanesi. www.yesmilano.it

Legnano – Helidon Xhixda reflects with light andThe Bronze Age necropolis in Canegrate

Two exhibitions so different from each other that they are worth visiting. One is Open Air or “Legnano, sublime reflected distortions” by Helidon Xhixda a reflection on light, but above all on the current social, climatological and cultural situation with five installations in five points of the city(see post)
The second to Leone da Perego, The Bronze Age necropolis in Canegrate, refers to recent and previous discoveries for the so-called “Canegrate culture”. On display in Legnano the Bronze Age necropolis of Canegrate, the largest in Northern Italy will remain open until March 17th. An opportunity to learn about the history, or rather the prehistory of our territory. Opening hours:Saturday, Sunday and holidays – 10:00-12:30 | 3pm-7pm. Closing 25 December, 1 January 2024

GALLARATE: Dadamaino

From Dadamaino to today, at the Maga in Gallarate it is possible to have three new retrospective exhibitions to discover contemporary art. Until 4 April 2024, three different itineraries have been set up, starting from the avant-garde artist "student" of Fontana up to more recent research by Michele Ciacciofera and Giovanni Campus. The exhibition retraces the main stages of the career of Dadamaino (Emilia Maino), from 1959 to his death, presented through 80 works distributed along the entire route of the Museum. The upper floor is occupied by the beginnings, with the powerful invention of the Volumi, and the entire phase of youthful experimentation, compared and in dialogue with works by contemporary artists, from Piero Manzoni to Gianni Colombo. http://www.museomaga.it

VARESE: Civic Museums and Masnago Castle

Civic Museums of Varese, the exhibitions to see during the Christmas period. From the travels and archaeological discoveries of the Castiglioni brothers on display at Villa Mirabello, to the works of Guttuso, Baj, Tavernari on display at Masnago Castle, up to the exhibition dedicated to Bassanini, between architecture, engineering, design and construction business…

The exhibition “From the sixteenth century to the twentieth century” was recently inaugurated at the Masnago Castle. Unknown works from the collection of the Civic Museums of Varese”, which allows the public to rediscover works that have long been kept in municipal deposits and finally brought to light thanks to research for the new general catalogue. Some artists on display: Bertini, with “La siesta o Riposo campestre” from 1870, Bazzaro and Mosé Bianchi, but also De Bernardi,with a "View of the Sacro Monte di Varese" from 1934.
In short, for these holidays, about 30 minutes from home, it is possible to discover the beauty that surrounds us...



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