Non è Natale senza…I concerti di Natale

24 Dec 2023

In the Alto Milanese area, an area that I believe is surrounded by beauty in every sense, "Christmas Concerts" have multiplied during the Christmas week. I followed some of them in chronological order such as "The Grand Christmas Concert in Parabiago", "The Christmas Gospel Concert" at the Galleria Theatre, the symphonic choir of the Amadeus Orchestra at the Leone da Perego...A joy in waiting... Here are my experiences…

The Grand Christmas Concert in Parabiago

Yesterday, December 23rd, the Grand Christmas Concert in Parabiago was staged, organized by the Municipal Administration of Parabiago at the Church of Saints Gervaso and Protaso for the exchange of greetings. It was a concert of "Traditional" Christmas music which featured the great Christmas hits and for the anticipation of the nativity. This can be understood from the repertoire: like, recalling some songs, “A Great Christmas”, Las Christmas”, an excellent performance of We are the World”, the touching“Ave Maria, .an engaging “You come down from the Stars” em>, a profound Adeste Fideles, up to the emotional “White Christmas” performed by a wonderful instrumentalist and vocalist Martina Santoro.

Up to this point we could say that there was a lot of involvement from all the participants who packed the SS provost's office. Gervasio & Protasio. The thing I liked was that two young conductors took turns on stage: Simone Clementi and Giovanni Savastio.

Furthermore, on the Altar there were four choirsnamely theSanta Cecilia, the Laudar Cantando, the SS Lorenzo and Sebastiano choir and “In letitia”.
This is a beautiful example: many young people, around 180, who brought joy and happiness to the community

Christmas Gospel Concert at the Galleria Theatre

Another genre of music was staged on Wednesday 21st at the Galleria theater "The Christmas Gospel". Here the American group led by Vincent Bohanan & Sound of Victory performed proposing traditional gospel songs that captivated the audience, sold-out for the occasion, in > an atmosphere capable of combining spirituality and rhythm, religious feeling and joy of living.

Vincent & co, proposed songs such as “Oh Holy Night”, “Joy To The World”, the choir also danced “JoyFul, JoyFul”, a famous piece from the film Sister Act 2. But if the rhythm was still not enough, shouting “stand up” (everyone standing ed.), the room danced to ““Jerusalema”, until the encore ofOh Happy Day” .

Here too, reflection is a must: a
few days before Christmas, evenings like these, with this music that reaches straight to our hearts
strong> shake us out of our “everyday life”. It is moments like these, however, from which we need to draw new life to listen to our hearts again. Music brings back the joy of living.

Concerto “Christmas is…” al Leone da Perego

Here at the Leone da Perego", the unsuitable place to host the Amadeus symphony choir and orchestra, was overcome by the skill of the director Marco Raimondi and of its orchestral members and choristers.
The musical group performed in a solidarity concert in favor of the "La Sequia" Association, proposing pieces from the classical choral tradition performed and sung with skill . The director, my friend Maestro Marco Raimondi, at the end of the performance declared: to make the public aware of and passionate about good music together with our support aimed at those who spend time and passion to help those less fortunate than us. For Amadeus it was a concert, together with the other two great concerts worth remembering, which ended with the now usual standing ovation from the audience and there cannot be a greater satisfaction for us.
I agree with the statement and add thanks again to this area that pampers us, gives us evenings like these that make us feel part of this community.
So much serenity and joy. Merry Christmas everyone



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