Best wishes from some local mayors for 2024

2 Jan 2024

As anticipated on my social media, I am pleased to dedicate a space to the Mayors of our territory who in varying degrees help us to have "beauty", organize events, organize exhibitions to make our area more attractive and livable. I interviewed three of them, namely the Mayor of Legnano, Parabiago and Rho.
I apologize to the others, but the respect towards the first citizens, everyone, is great...


The mayor of Legnano, Lorenzo Radice, focused on two themes in his best wishes to the city: First of all Peace and then on this, but also other occasions, he concentrated on demonstrations for the c >entenary of the elevation of Legnano to the city.
My wish for the whole city is that it may be a Christmas and a year of Peace, starting from our families, because we need to rediscover serenity, joy and brotherhood in relationships with the people closest to us and with our community. Let's start from here to ask for Peace".
Regarding the speech on the centenary Radice stated: ""2024 will be a special year for our community". A century ago, the recognition of the rank of city demonstrated the importance that Legnano had assumed following the industrial development that had been underway for a few decades. Todaythe anniversary is, at the same time, an opportunity to remember, therefore to retrace the path taken since then, but also to talk about the city of today and that of tomorrow, because history is certainly what it is behind us, made by those who preceded us, but it is also what the active forces of the city are writing now with many projects, already underway or soon to be implemented, to design the Legnano of the future". "The centenary will have to be the opportunity to highlight the most authentic spirit of Legnano, that is, that ability to enterprise and create opportunities for growth and inclusion which, a hundred years ago as today, has made and continues to make Legnano what it is, an attractive reality capable of "capturing" those who frequent and liveit. (click here or below for video uploaded to FB)


Here are the wishes of Mayor Raffaele Cucchi to the city:
“2023 was for our municipality, a year of extraordinary projects and investments thanks to the ability to work in synergy with offices and professionals to find PNRR funds: 30 million euros in non-repayable funds are not a small amount for a city of around 29 thousand inhabitants like our Parabiago.

Ma questo non ha distratto dall’attenzione verso i servizi, la sostenibilità, il sociale, la cultura e lo sport, da sempre capisaldi di una scelta amministrativa consapevole dell’importanza che ‘accompagnare’ la crescita della comunità senza lasciare indietro nessuno e sostenendo le attività, sia il modo più responsabile di guidare Parabiago verso il futuro.

Ognuno di noi è una parte di questa comunità e ciascuno collabora a rendere viva e vivibile la città, il pensiero ovviamente va anche ai commercianti, imprenditori e agricoltori, primi esempi di una città che non è ferma e passiva, anzi in continuo divenire e trasformazione.

A voi tutti arrivino i miei più sinceri auguri e quelli dell’Amministrazione comunale guardando a un 2024 prospero e positivo.


The mayor Andrea Orlandi focused onPeace and new projects for the city“The wish for our community – reiterates Mayor Orlandi – is that there will be a decrease rivalries and the value of peace become the guide for the future of adults and children".

Then thoughts turn to the many construction sites that will soon start, linked to the transformations of " Rho the city that changes”. “2024 will be an important year, Rho is getting itself renovated. The market will move starting from January 8th and by January the construction site for the regeneration of Piazza Visconti will begin...
We will have a new video surveillance system and in the end this very central space will be completely renovated, with new flooring and jets of 'waterfall. Construction work on a new town hall and a new library will then begin in May and there are many works ready to take off. 2024 will, in practice, be the year of Umarell. I ask everyone for patience to understand the changes and to tolerate the inconveniences associated with construction sites. In the end we will have many more beautiful and more efficient points in Rho, we will have new services. It's just a matter of looking to the future with confidence. The Administration is ready to follow every step closely. Happy 2024, may it be marked by peace and collaboration!


Ringrazio altresi altri sindaci della zona che grazie al loro lavoro, cercano di rendere attrattivi i piccoli comuni che comunque esprimono identità attraverso la specialità e la loro identità. Grazie!
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