Filosofarti 2024. A 20-year journey through philosophy, art, culture

19 Jan 2024

The Filosofarti Festival turns 20 (2004 -2024) conceived and managed by Cristina Boracchi presented on 18 January 2024 at the theater of the Arts of Gallarate. This year the focus is “Visible/Invisible“. I have followed him for about 20 years and I couldn't miss this appointment. I invite you to put the many appointments in your diary (from 17 February to 17 March 2024)…

Non solo Filosofia…ma anche Rete Culturale

At the presentation of Filosofarti 2024, Cristina Boracchi with several local councilors, conveyed the importance of this festival.

Filosofarti is not just about philosophy, indeed over time it has opened up to all different expressive forms: from lectio magistralis, to exhibitions, to musical events and in the latest editions also with the theatre.
In this perspective, the inevitable "friends" philosophers and aficionados Massimo Cacciari, Gherardo Colombo, Enzo Bianchi, Carlo Sini, are joined this year by: Ambra Angiolini, Cochi Ponzoni, but alsoDaniele Cassioli, and Maura Gancitano. Just to name a few .

I would like to point out that there are 80 events spread across around 10 municipalities.

Leader Gallarate, but also Busto Arsizio as a location, up to Varese present with their representatives Mazzetti (Gallarate) , Blumetti (Besnate), Orlando (Samarate), Benetazzo (Villa Cortese) with the usual partner or The Varesotto Foundation represented by Carlo Massironi.
This makes me say that FilosofarTi creates a "network", opens up to new municipalities and becomes a national reference for Philosophy, a 360-degree "contaminated" culture °…

SacroMonte di Varese

The spin-offs of Filosofarti
In addition to the cultural "network", a theme dear to me is the spin-offs for the territory that are created with these events.
First and foremost the visibility. I mentioned it before, from February 17th to March 17th, thanks to the event, for a month our area will be a reference at national (and also international) level.
Then the "welcome" and "welcome" aspect Tourism”. Many guest speakers will stay in our hotels and restaurants. But not only that, many events are held on weekends, and in the past (so the director told me), they stayed overnight at least for a weekend. Furthermore, our province has several UNESCO heritage sites, four, and they are destinations for some of Filosofarti's guest-spectators. (On the right the Sacromonte)
Finally the acquisition of knowledge. Some students are Stewards and Hostesses for the event thanks to the PCTO School-Work Orientation project announced by the Ministry of Public Education with the local schools. This is another added value for young students in the direction of growth and knowledge as well as the acquisition of transversal skills (languages, relationships, etc.)

Stages and complete program

The appointments are scheduled from February 17th to March 17th (a preview on February 11th). The event will take place in Gallarate. But it will also pass through Busto Arsizio – which among the new features offers theTextile Museum as a location – as well as Samarate and Besnate. For this edition we add Castiglione Olona and Villa Cortese, Tradate and Gazzada Schianno... up to Varese.
Here are the names of the big names. To the already mentioned are added Daniele Cassioli, Maura Gancitano. Then Miguel Benasayag and Marta Morazzini. Up to Massimo Fini and Donatella Di Cesare and for the theater Ambra Angiolini and Cochi Pozzoli.
For further information go to Filosofarti 2024

Omaggio a Don Alberto Dell’Orto e Luciana Treccia Zaro

Twenty years of Filosofarti and they deserve a special edition and particular attention. The festival, in the words of director Cristina Boracchi, “is a constant presence in the area. It articulates and dialogues with numerous cultural realities, with bodies and associations, as well as with cultural administrations".

A special booklet was also created for the occasion. A collection of phrases, thoughts and autographs of the "celebrities who have passed through Filosofarti".

It is a tribute to two points of reference of the festival: Don Alberto Dell'Orto (who I had the pleasure of meeting) and Luciana Treccia Zaro. (Photo Sempionenews and La Prealpina) .
Great space is dedicated to this year's theme: Visible/Invisible. “We would like to pierce the gaze of appearance to enter the deepest reality of life. In search of the truth that surrounds us and which is often hidden by too many appearances", commented director Boracchi. I fully agree…




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