Elio Germano al Tirinnanzi  nel “Paradiso XXXIII”, magnifica interpretazione nella “contemplazione”

12 Jan 2024

Magnificent interpretation by Elio Germano at the Teatro Tirinnanzi, semi-empty, which in any case took nothing away from the representation of “Paradiso XXXIII”, also thanks to the music and effects of Teho Teardo. Dante's journey towards contemplation. The event gives me the opportunity to express my thoughts…

Paradiso XXXIII Elio Germano – Musiche di Teho Teardo.

Paradiso XXXIII

Contemplate. Contemplating beauty, contemplating the Universe, contemplating Beatrice, contemplating-telling "the supreme wonder". Perhaps only this can be done, in the face of such a high and mysterious beauty that it makes every word, every language, every human representation appear small, limited, inadequate... This is the feeling that Dante Alighieri feels in the XXXIII canto of Paradise, in the presence of God , of the eternal, of the unspeakable. But the poet cannot silence that mystery, he must try to say the unspeakable, to tell the unspeakable. And the journey towards contemplation begins, perceived by the magnificent and decisive interpretation of Elio Germano at the performance of “Paradiso Canto XXXIII”. The emotions and involvement were strengthened thanks to the "psychadelic" and sometimes blinding music and effects of Teho Teardo, composer and sound designer. Together with the notes of Laura Bisceglia on the cello and Ambra Chiara Michelangeli on the violin and the excellent direction of Ferrari-Helbaeck, the group led by Germano convinced the few spectators in the theater room.

Respect for citizen-spectators

Starting from the previous consideration, it is sad to see the Tirinnanzi theater semi-empty. The cause derives from the assignment of the 2023-2024 season, and beyond. Without going into the controversy surrounding the awarding of the two-year contract between the two entertainment management companies (the local newspapers have already spoken well about it, starting with Il Day, Legnano News, Malpensa 24, Sempione News), with the obvious result of distancing spectators from the theater and cultural events. It is unfortunate that a city like Legnano cannot take advantage of a "certain", "alternative" cultural space with univocal programming that takes into account the desire for culture that exists in the city, with particular reference also to season ticket holders. Together with my friend Rosella, and other theatre-loving friends, we hope that this long-standing affair can be resolved for the good of the theatre, for the good of the manager, for the good of the spectators, for the good of culture…and, last but not least, for the good of the city.



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