“Banksy, Jago, TvBoy e altre storie controcorrente”,la denuncia…da Biella e Legnano

6 Jan 2024

L’impegno di artisti contemporanei per la denuncia e la sensibilizzazione arriva anche a Biella. Ho visitato la mostra a Palazzo Gromo-Ferraro “Banksy, Jago, TvBoy e altre storie controcorrente”. Una mostra coinvolgente, dirompente, irriverente che ti fa riflettere. Grazie a Banksy,, Jago, Tv Boy ma anche altri artisti, esci con la voglia di “migliorare” la nostra società…come è successo a Legnano al Corteo dei Magi all’oratorio dell’Olmina…Seguitemi…

Banksy, Jago, TvBoy and other counter-current stories

Today I participated in the exhibition“Banksy, Jago, TvBoy and other counter-current stories“. Three main artists but also others... against the grain. on the one hand from Liu Bolin to David LaChapelle, from Takashi Murakami to Mr. Brainwash, to Obey . And then the Italians Angelo Accardi, LAIKA, Marco Lodola, MaPo, Laurina Paperina, PAU, Andrea Ravo Mattoni, Rizek and Giuseppe Veneziano. that struck me. About 90 works, divided between the two buildings, with the aim of shaking consciences, arousing indignation and emotion, challenging the conventional canons of art.
Curated byPiernicola Maria Di Iorio, the exhibition offers a fascinating "counter-current" narrative. He speaks to us about life, death, social injustice, wars, now with a teasing spirit, now with lyrical mastery or even with a decisive tone of attack

Banksy denounces her with innocence
They all impressed me, but Banksy, the Englishman from Bristol, I had been chasing for a while and Palazzo Ferrero was the right place to welcome him. After the impactful video presentation“Immersive Banksy”,we enter into the works with the installation “welcome”. Then the healthy irony of the kiss between agents, Queen Vic, the whole cycle on Peace, Bomb Love (or rather against the War), Because I'm worthless and then Girl with baloon, (where there is a space dedicated to selfies)

Probabilmente lo street artist più controverso al mondo, con le sue opere Banksy ha creato una sottocultura a sé stante. Carica di una visione dirompente e densa di tenaci dichiarazioni politiche è capace di generare nuovi impatti ideali e simbolici in diverse città di tutto il mondo provocando punti di vista alternativi incoraggiando una nuova rivoluzione nel mondo dell’arte.

The denunciation of ... hope in Legnano
I returned from Biella to Legnano and I learned, thanks to the local media (LegnanoNews and Sempionenews), that some works of Banksy were included in the Adoration of the Three Wise Men event at the Oratorio dell'Olmina with the contribution of the Legnarello district.
My joy is immense.

Here's what they write: " «A thought this year could not fail to go to the tormented Holy Land – they add from the parish -, where terror and war have brought death and destruction and Christmas in Bethlehem was celebrated in a smaller scale than usual. For this reason, some tarpaulins representing Bansky's works were installed along the route, to send a message of peace and hope through art. The Lord Jesus still chooses to be born among the rubble of this world and a child brings peace where men have brought war” (Works by Banksy: Watering cans, throwing flowers , Games – Photo by LN).

The TvBoy space installed with scenographic effects at Palazzo Gromo strikes you with its impact. In a yellow room, the"irreverent" works "catch" youwith their strength, vigor and energy. At the center is an irrepressible Raffaella Carrà. Like a sandwich, on the back is the kiss between the greats of football: Messi and Ronaldo. Then the kiss in the time of Covid.

Borrowing from Hayez's great work, Love in the time of Covid (2020) captivates you with its immediacy, where in that period the kiss was a chimera. But also The Fast Supper (2021), Christ's last supper made in an MC Donald with hamburgers and chips makes you reflect on consumerism . Come forward(2020) is a denunciation of immigration, of the "falseness" of the system on the immigration problem, then Contemporary Adam(2021), the boat of "attentive" musicians with Guccini in the front row.

Iago the sculptor who "undressed" Ratzinger

Partendo da Palazzo Gromo Losa, il percorso di mostra è introdotto dall’esposizione delle opere di Jago, giovane scultore italiano che ha raggiunto in pochi anni una fama internazionale. 

Jago utilizza il marmo come materiale nobile, ma tratta temi fondamentali dell’epoca che abita, instaurando un rapporto diretto con il pubblico mediante l’utilizzo di video e dei social network, per condividere il processo produttivo. Qui presenta tra le altre Memoria si sé (2015),Taste of Liberty (2019),una delle sue opere più conosciute Habemus Hominem (2009-2016) e First Baby del 2019 anno in cui, in occasione della missione Beyond dell’ESA (European Space Agency), è il primo artista a inviare una scultura in marmo sulla Stazione Spaziale Internazionale. L’opera, raffigurante un feto, è tornata sulla Terra a febbraio 2020 sotto la custodia del capo missione, Luca Parmitano.

Contemporary artists

Non meno importanti, le opere di altri artisti contemporanei “disseminati” per materiali e forma.

We move from photography to the new multimedia arts, beyond the aerosol spray favored by the previous ones.
Liu Bolinto David LaChapelle, from Takashi Murakami to Mr. Brainwash, Obey and Angelo Accardi, LAIKA, Marco Lodola, MaPo, Pau, Laurina Paperina, Andrea Ravo Mattoni , Rizek and Giuseppe Veneziano make me/us reflect on contemporaneity through works that also reflect our childhood in an ironic way. For example Mickey Mouse who succumbs to Goofy, or Snow White who kills the seven dwarfs of Veneziano.
Two reports at the end and beginning of the Exhibition. A space dedicated to David LaChapelle, an American photographer who entered the list of the ten most important photographers in the world thanks to his surreal shots,
Marco Lodola's installations, positioned outside Palazzo Gromo . The artist of light exhibits his sculptures which combine elements of Pop Art, Arte Povera and Street Art,
At the end of the exhibition it is worth a stop at the Palazzo Ferrero Bistrot space.



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