Come al solito segnalo alcuni eventi nel weekend. In occasione della Giornata della Memoria proclamata dalle Nazioni Unite il 27 gennaio, ho selezionato alcune iniziative per “NON DIMENTICARE”. Purtroppo la cronaca ci sta abituando alle tragedie: la Guerra in Ucraina, la guerra in Palestina, i focolai nel Mar Rosso ed altre sciagure dove l’uomo vuole sopraffare un altro uomo. Una carrellata di eventi sul nostro territorio con l’obiettivo di Non dimenticare . Allora ad alta voce dobbiamo affermare “PACE” senza se e senza ma”…
Legnano – “Cessate il Fuoco” e “Parole disegnate” Dopo Il Concerto del quintetto di arpa del teatro alla Scala di lunedi 21 al teatro Tirinnanzi organizzato da Anpi, Comune di Legnano, ecco altre iniziative sul territorio…
Cessate il fuoco. Sabato 27 In piazza san Magno a Legnano, davanti al Palazzo Comunale, le Donne in Cammino per la Pace invitano a raccogliere il testimone delle Donne del Sole palestinesi e delle Donne che osano la pace di Israele unite per la pace.
In silenzio, vestite di nero con uno straccio di pace bianco al braccio per manifestare il dissenso e la nostra contrarietà ad ogni tipo di guerra e al genocidio che si sta perpetrando contro i Palestinesi chiedendo l’immediato cessate il fuoco. Come donne di pace facciamo sentire il nostro dissenso attraverso un messaggio corporeo: Mai più guerre !
Sul tema dell’Olocausto sarà anche il primo incontro di “Parole disegnate”, il ciclo del gruppo di lettura per ragazzi su graphic novel e manga in programma lunedì 29 gennaio alle 17 nella Biblioteca Civica di via Cavour. L’incontro, pensato per i ragazzi maggiori di 14 anni, è dedicato al graphic novel Maus di Art Spiegelman.
Rho: “Vite Spezzate” e non solo
Rho – Dal 25 al 28 gennaio 2024, nella Sala delle Colonne di Villa Burba, in corso Europa 291, verrà allestita la mostra fotografica ispirata al libro “Vite spezzate” di Paolo Mansolillo: un viaggio nella memoria attraverso alcune testimonianze e un percorso fotografico in alcuni campi di sterminio, in particolare quello di Auschwitz-Birkenau.
Sabato 27 gennaio 2024 sono in programma due importanti appuntamenti. Alle ore 10.00 nell’atrio del Municipio verranno presentati i lavori ispirati alla mostra “Non potevamo non far niente”, realizzati dalle classi 3°G e 3°E della scuola “De André”.
Alle ore 21.00, il Teatro Civico Roberto de Silva ospiterà Destinatario sconosciuto dell’americana Katherine Kressmann Taylor, lettura scenica a cura del Teatro dell’Armadillo, con la partecipazione del giovane attore rhodense Matteo Oscar Giuggioli con l’Istituto Musicale Rusconi. (vedi sito comune Rho)
Per fare memoria della storia, l’Amministrazione comunale di Parabiago promuove il 25 gennaio 2024 alle ore 21:00 presso la Biblioteca civica di via Brisa “LA MEMORIA PER RESTARE. UMANI”. Una serata di letture e tavole a fumetti come testimonianza della tragedia dell’olocausto.
Il 27 gennaio alle 10.30 avrà inizio il corteo con la deposizione della corona presso il Cimitero . Sempre il 27 gennaio 2024 alle 21 alla Biblioteca civica di via Brisa è in programma l’evento “TU SEI MEMORIA”. La Shoah vista con gli occhi dei bambini. (vedi sito del comune)
Itinerante: : “ANCORA VUOTI GLI OCCHI” Le Officine Teatrali in occasione della “Giornata della Memoria 2024” promuovono tre repliche dello spettacolo: “ANCORA VUOTI GLI OCCHI”
Il 26 GENNAIO presso Palazzo Calderara a Vanzago il 30 GENNAIO presso Auditorium Silvano Tinelli di Lainate e il 31 GENNAIO presso sala della Comunità di Arluno
Si tratta di un’antologia di monologhi, brevi testi in prosa e poesie tratte da diversi testi riguardanti lo sterminio di Ebrei, Sinti e Rom nel corso della II Guerra Mondiale, nonché l’eccidio di Babij Jar (avvenuto in Ucraina nel 1941 ad opera dei soldati nazisti nel quale persero la vita oltre 100.000 persone, la maggior parte delle quali di etnia ebraica e sinti).
Diventa quindi un obiettivo sollecitare la riflessione individuale verso la necessità di una responsabilità più consapevole nell’ambito civile e politico, di modo da puntare più in alto: sollecitare e ispirare una cittadinanza attiva. Cittadinanza attiva, per me, vuol dire essere partecipe, osservare in modo “critico” anche le tragedie passate per evitare che non si ripetano più. Purtroppo chi deve decidere non ascolta, per ora, le parole di buon senso che arrivano da più parti, a partire da Papa Francesco. “Pace” deve essere la parola che ci deve accompagnare…sempre!!!
Accogliamo il “Viaggio” di Rosanna Ricciardi di Busto Arsizio, amica ma anche “curiosa” ed attenta “osservatrice”. Racconta del suo recente viaggio in Giappone ed a Tokyo in particolare. In questo paese dove tradizione ed innovazione si fondono, c’è spazio per il “rispetto” in tutte le forme: verso la natura, verso l’uomo… Seguite il racconto…
The Filosofarti Festival turns 20 (2004 -2024) conceived and managed by Cristina Boracchi presented on 18 January 2024 at the theater of the Arts of Gallarate. This year the focus is “Visible/Invisible“. I have followed him for about 20 years and I couldn't miss this appointment. I invite you to put the many appointments in your diary (from 17 February to 17 March 2024)…
Non solo Filosofia…ma anche Rete Culturale
At the presentation of Filosofarti 2024, Cristina Boracchi with several local councilors, conveyed the importance of this festival.
Filosofarti is not just about philosophy, indeed over time it has opened up to all different expressive forms: from lectio magistralis, to exhibitions, to musical events and in the latest editions also with the theatre. In this perspective, the inevitable "friends" philosophers and aficionados Massimo Cacciari, Gherardo Colombo, Enzo Bianchi, Carlo Sini, are joined this year by: Ambra Angiolini, Cochi Ponzoni, but alsoDaniele Cassioli, and Maura Gancitano. Just to name a few .
I would like to point out that there are 80 events spread across around 10 municipalities.
Leader Gallarate, but also Busto Arsizio as a location, up to Varese present with their representatives Mazzetti (Gallarate) , Blumetti (Besnate), Orlando (Samarate), Benetazzo (Villa Cortese) with the usual partner or The Varesotto Foundation represented by Carlo Massironi. This makes me say that FilosofarTi creates a "network", opens up to new municipalities and becomes a national reference for Philosophy, a 360-degree "contaminated" culture °…
The spin-offs of Filosofarti In addition to the cultural "network", a theme dear to me is the spin-offs for the territory that are created with these events. First and foremost the visibility. I mentioned it before, from February 17th to March 17th, thanks to the event, for a month our area will be a reference at national (and also international) level. Then the "welcome" and "welcome" aspect Tourism”. Many guest speakers will stay in our hotels and restaurants. But not only that, many events are held on weekends, and in the past (so the director told me), they stayed overnight at least for a weekend. Furthermore, our province has several UNESCO heritage sites, four, and they are destinations for some of Filosofarti's guest-spectators. (On the right the Sacromonte) Finally the acquisition of knowledge. Some students are Stewards and Hostesses for the event thanks to the PCTO School-Work Orientation project announced by the Ministry of Public Education with the local schools. This is another added value for young students in the direction of growth and knowledge as well as the acquisition of transversal skills (languages, relationships, etc.)
Stages and complete program
The appointments are scheduled from February 17th to March 17th (a preview on February 11th). The event will take place in Gallarate. But it will also pass through Busto Arsizio – which among the new features offers theTextile Museum as a location – as well as Samarate and Besnate. For this edition we add Castiglione Olona and Villa Cortese, Tradate and Gazzada Schianno... up to Varese. Here are the names of the big names. To the already mentioned are added Daniele Cassioli, Maura Gancitano. Then Miguel Benasayag and Marta Morazzini. Up to Massimo Fini and Donatella Di Cesare and for the theater Ambra Angiolini and Cochi Pozzoli. For further information go to Filosofarti 2024
Omaggio a Don Alberto Dell’Orto e Luciana Treccia Zaro
Twenty years of Filosofarti and they deserve a special edition and particular attention. The festival, in the words of director Cristina Boracchi, “is a constant presence in the area. It articulates and dialogues with numerous cultural realities, with bodies and associations, as well as with cultural administrations".
A special booklet was also created for the occasion. A collection of phrases, thoughts and autographs of the "celebrities who have passed through Filosofarti".
It is a tribute to two points of reference of the festival: Don Alberto Dell'Orto (who I had the pleasure of meeting) and Luciana Treccia Zaro. (Photo Sempionenews and La Prealpina) . Great space is dedicated to this year's theme: Visible/Invisible. “We would like to pierce the gaze of appearance to enter the deepest reality of life. In search of the truth that surrounds us and which is often hidden by too many appearances", commented director Boracchi. I fully agree…
Ho ri-visitato Le Dighe del Panperduto, progettate dall’Ing. Villoresi, oasi tra tecnologia, storia, natura e cultura dove l’acqua la fa da padrona. Lo sapevate che grazie a questa/e opere di canalizzazione, la Lombardia è tra le prime regioni agricole d’Italia…Seguitemi…
My visit to Panperduto
Yesterday, Sunday 14 January, I visited the Panperduto dam(s) a stone's throw from home. In fact, in 30 minutes from Legnano, you arrive in this Oasis. Oasis of green and "blue" where water reigns supreme also for canalization-irrigation purposes. In fact, during Expo Milano 2015 I had the pleasure of bringing guests and authorities. Why? Because here there is the Italian-Swiss Water Museum (I remember that the dam comes from Ticino, Lake Maggiore, Swiss mountains), The Garden of Water Games( one of the first in Italy), history and then Sustainable-domestic tourism. In fact, this naturalistic oasis nestled between Lombardy and Piedmont, thanks to agreements with Navigli Lombardi, is also used for tourist navigation. I had the pleasure of accompanying my cultural tourism association with Turismo Sempione on the itineraries of the Ville delle Delizie (still active as of March 2024), I had the pleasure to take the tour of the dock up to San Cristoforo. This, in addition to the hydraulic aspect, could be the new challenge or "push" towards sustainable tourism that exploits the Milanese waterways, designed by Leonardo Da Vinci and that creates new opportunities and related activities. (yesterday I was sorry to see the Hostel closed Panperduto), but we veered towards ristorantecountry Rowers 6…)
L’acqua – Storia
Arriving in this place you will be enchanted: water is the absolute protagonist, you can perceive its majesty and power; the gaze is attracted by the complexity of the routes it takes between the river environment and the diversion and canalisation works. Here human ingenuity has managed to tame the water by building one of the most important hydraulic junctions in Lombardy, where part of the waters from the Ticino river are diverted to form two very important canals: the Villoresi, used for the irrigation and the Industrial canal, fundamental for energy production. The Panperduto dam on the Ticino and the works connected to it were inaugurated in1884 by Eugenio Villoresi's project,only after many years of studies and variations. The canal, which was born here and still bears the name of its illustrious designer, has completely transformed the territory and the activities connected to it, making less productive land fertile and becoming fundamental in the agricultural economy of the countryside north of Milan. A few years later, at the beginning of the 20th century, thanks to the progress achieved in the production and distribution of electricity, the Industrial channel was also inaugurated; it is formed from the same hydraulic junction as the Villoresi Canal and is still used to power various hydroelectric power plants along its course. The Panperduto dam and the entire complex water system that develops here have remained almost unchanged since their birth and still continue to play a fundamental role in both the economy and culture of the territory in which they are located.
Museo e Giardino dei Giochi d’Acqua
The Panperduto is an open-air museum! The Italian-Swiss Water Museum integrates perfectly with the surrounding environment and territory. When open, it will be possible to grasp the essentiality of water for human and natural life, recognizing the value of its multifunctionality as a primary element for agriculture, food, landscape and for the production of electricity. Located in the center of the island of Confurto, the ancient building, once used for maintenance equipment, has been renovated according to high standards of energy saving and environmental sustainability while maintaining the original typological and construction characteristics.
Next to the museum stands the "Water Games Garden", a play space to understand and experience the movement and power of water. An accumulation tank allows the functioning of the water games: installations of Archimedean screws, mills, channels, gates and pumps will allow children (but also adults) to learn the hydrodynamic and kinetic force of water. For further
Magnificent interpretation by Elio Germano at the Teatro Tirinnanzi, semi-empty, which in any case took nothing away from the representation of “Paradiso XXXIII”, also thanks to the music and effects of Teho Teardo. Dante's journey towards contemplation. The event gives me the opportunity to express my thoughts…
Paradiso XXXIII Elio Germano – Musiche di Teho Teardo.
Paradiso XXXIII
Contemplate. Contemplating beauty, contemplating the Universe, contemplating Beatrice, contemplating-telling "the supreme wonder". Perhaps only this can be done, in the face of such a high and mysterious beauty that it makes every word, every language, every human representation appear small, limited, inadequate... This is the feeling that Dante Alighieri feels in the XXXIII canto of Paradise, in the presence of God , of the eternal, of the unspeakable. But the poet cannot silence that mystery, he must try to say the unspeakable, to tell the unspeakable. And the journey towards contemplation begins, perceived by the magnificent and decisive interpretation of Elio Germano at the performance of “Paradiso Canto XXXIII”. The emotions and involvement were strengthened thanks to the "psychadelic" and sometimes blinding music and effects of Teho Teardo, composer and sound designer. Together with the notes of Laura Bisceglia on the cello and Ambra Chiara Michelangeli on the violin and the excellent direction of Ferrari-Helbaeck, the group led by Germano convinced the few spectators in the theater room.
Respect for citizen-spectators
Starting from the previous consideration, it is sad to see the Tirinnanzi theater semi-empty. The cause derives from the assignment of the 2023-2024 season, and beyond. Without going into the controversy surrounding the awarding of the two-year contract between the two entertainment management companies (the local newspapers have already spoken well about it, starting with Il Day,Legnano News, Malpensa 24,Sempione News), with the obvious result of distancing spectators from the theater and cultural events. It is unfortunate that a city like Legnano cannot take advantage of a "certain", "alternative" cultural space with univocal programming that takes into account the desire for culture that exists in the city, with particular reference also to season ticket holders. Together with my friend Rosella, and other theatre-loving friends, we hope that this long-standing affair can be resolved for the good of the theatre, for the good of the manager, for the good of the spectators, for the good of culture…and, last but not least, for the good of the city.