Il Ricetto di Candelo: un borgo Medioevale a due passi da casa

Il Ricetto di Candelo: a medieval village a stone's throw from home

Today I re-visited the Ricetto di Candelo in the province of Biella with my trusty Aramis. A stone's throw from my home in Andorno Micca, but also less than 100km from Legnano and/or Milan and/or Novara... its beauty remains intact over time and in good weather... it is... extraordinary …Do you know him? Follow me…

The Ricetto di Candelo a stone's throw from home

From my home in Andorno Micca it is about 10 km, from Legnano 85km and around 105 from Milan. Today I don't want to be a"geographer", but I want to point out that we have excellence right under our doorstep that can be reached in no time. In any case, with Aramis and Donatella, taking advantage of the good weather and the stay in the mountains, we stopped by the Ricetto di Candelo. To tell the truth, I'll be back often, especially in summer. Today with the sun it was extraordinary. It is a fortified structure built by the will of the Candela population around the 13th-14th century, with the aim of conserving and defending the most precious assets of the community following the numerous wars between the Spanish and the French. The inhabitants did not live there permanently, but only to conserve their goods and to "take refuge" during disasters and wars. Thanks to this, it has maintained over time this rural matrix of guardian of the peasant community and is part of the Borghi d'Italia…(See link)

Il Ricetto di Candelo Borgo d'Italia
You know the program “Il Kilimanjaro” with the competition “The most beautiful villages in Italy” strong>broadcast on Rai3 with Philippe Daverio? . Well in 2018, that very broadcast made the Borgo known to all of Italy (the final ranking saw Ricetto in 18th position) . On various occasions the Ricetto has been the subject of "live" broadcasts, including recordings by foreign television stations. The Candelesi are proud of all this and I am even more so. I felt an "indirect" Pride this morning walking through the streets of the village, discovering the little shops, the cellars (some closed for the Christmas holidays).
on the other hand, today was the last day of the Slow Food "Earth Market" exhibition-market. Emotion amplified when walking on the "internal" walls, but even more so on the "external" ones. In fact, this morning with Aramis, we did the "external" perimeter and with the splendor of the day it was magnificent... (see the photos...). Stop for an aperitif in Piazza Castello at the Bar “La Torre”…I recommend it for its friendliness and goodness. Speaking of the entrance tower, my mind flew to "my" Castello Visconteo Lampugnani in Legnano...(last photo below)

The History of Ricetto

In988it is the first time that Candelo's name appears in an official document; Canderium is confirmed as feudal possession of Manfred by Otto III.
Towards the end of the 13th and beginning of the 14th century, the inhabitants of Candelo built the Ricetto on land owned by local lords, for which they initially paid an annual census and which they then redeem.
In 1360there were 157 huts in the village (today there are around 200).
From 1374to 1517the town passed under the control of various families including the Savoias, the Fontanas, and finally the Ferrero – Fieschis, at the time counts of Masserano.
Between 1554 and 1632 Candelo was involved in a series of unpleasant events including the fights between the French and the Spanish and the decimation of the population due to the plague; the elevation of the fiefdom to county remains one of the few positive sides of this period.
From 1644 to 1649, new Spanish occupations caused fires and destruction.
1785: Carlo Sebastiano Ferrero Fieschi is the last feudal lord of Candelo; with the Napoleonic occupation the political-administrative structure of the village changed.
1819: construction of the current town hall begins on the ancient walls of the Ricetto; always in the same year Piazza Castello was built.

Il “Principe” Sebastiano Ferrero

Sebastiano Ferrero was one of the most important men of his time in this territory, advisor and treasurer of finances first for the Duchy of Savoy and then for that of Milan. Many testimonies in the Biella area are linked to him, such as the beautiful Church of San Sebastiano in Biella.
In 1489, a large part of Candelo was in the possession of Sebastiano Ferrero but the relationship with the Candelesi was not simple. The new Lord had many demands: annual and perpetual payment of a ducat per family, the mill of Candelo; rights on the Ricetto and also an annual census of 21 ducats; Meeting of the Council only in his presence, the key to the Ricetto, the collection of fines and rural notices
The population considered the Lord's claims absurd: the community had purchased the land and built the Ricettowith his own money and considered it a collective property of the town. The case was then brought to arbitration and the so-called "award" was concluded in favor of the Community of Candelo. However, Sebastiano Ferrero built a house inside the village of Ricetto, the so-called " prince's tower" and also carried out interventions to widen the existing water channels and created new ones to irrigate the agricultural lands.

Gli auguri di alcuni sindaci del territorio per il 2024

Best wishes from some local mayors for 2024

As anticipated on my social media, I am pleased to dedicate a space to the Mayors of our territory who in varying degrees help us to have "beauty", organize events, organize exhibitions to make our area more attractive and livable. I interviewed three of them, namely the Mayor of Legnano, Parabiago and Rho.
I apologize to the others, but the respect towards the first citizens, everyone, is great...


The mayor of Legnano, Lorenzo Radice, focused on two themes in his best wishes to the city: First of all Peace and then on this, but also other occasions, he concentrated on demonstrations for the c >entenary of the elevation of Legnano to the city.
My wish for the whole city is that it may be a Christmas and a year of Peace, starting from our families, because we need to rediscover serenity, joy and brotherhood in relationships with the people closest to us and with our community. Let's start from here to ask for Peace".
Regarding the speech on the centenary Radice stated: ""2024 will be a special year for our community". A century ago, the recognition of the rank of city demonstrated the importance that Legnano had assumed following the industrial development that had been underway for a few decades. Todaythe anniversary is, at the same time, an opportunity to remember, therefore to retrace the path taken since then, but also to talk about the city of today and that of tomorrow, because history is certainly what it is behind us, made by those who preceded us, but it is also what the active forces of the city are writing now with many projects, already underway or soon to be implemented, to design the Legnano of the future". "The centenary will have to be the opportunity to highlight the most authentic spirit of Legnano, that is, that ability to enterprise and create opportunities for growth and inclusion which, a hundred years ago as today, has made and continues to make Legnano what it is, an attractive reality capable of "capturing" those who frequent and liveit. (click here or below for video uploaded to FB)


Here are the wishes of Mayor Raffaele Cucchi to the city:
“2023 was for our municipality, a year of extraordinary projects and investments thanks to the ability to work in synergy with offices and professionals to find PNRR funds: 30 million euros in non-repayable funds are not a small amount for a city of around 29 thousand inhabitants like our Parabiago.

Ma questo non ha distratto dall’attenzione verso i servizi, la sostenibilità, il sociale, la cultura e lo sport, da sempre capisaldi di una scelta amministrativa consapevole dell’importanza che ‘accompagnare’ la crescita della comunità senza lasciare indietro nessuno e sostenendo le attività, sia il modo più responsabile di guidare Parabiago verso il futuro.

Ognuno di noi è una parte di questa comunità e ciascuno collabora a rendere viva e vivibile la città, il pensiero ovviamente va anche ai commercianti, imprenditori e agricoltori, primi esempi di una città che non è ferma e passiva, anzi in continuo divenire e trasformazione.

A voi tutti arrivino i miei più sinceri auguri e quelli dell’Amministrazione comunale guardando a un 2024 prospero e positivo.


The mayor Andrea Orlandi focused onPeace and new projects for the city“The wish for our community – reiterates Mayor Orlandi – is that there will be a decrease rivalries and the value of peace become the guide for the future of adults and children".

Then thoughts turn to the many construction sites that will soon start, linked to the transformations of " Rho the city that changes”. “2024 will be an important year, Rho is getting itself renovated. The market will move starting from January 8th and by January the construction site for the regeneration of Piazza Visconti will begin...
We will have a new video surveillance system and in the end this very central space will be completely renovated, with new flooring and jets of 'waterfall. Construction work on a new town hall and a new library will then begin in May and there are many works ready to take off. 2024 will, in practice, be the year of Umarell. I ask everyone for patience to understand the changes and to tolerate the inconveniences associated with construction sites. In the end we will have many more beautiful and more efficient points in Rho, we will have new services. It's just a matter of looking to the future with confidence. The Administration is ready to follow every step closely. Happy 2024, may it be marked by peace and collaboration!


Ringrazio altresi altri sindaci della zona che grazie al loro lavoro, cercano di rendere attrattivi i piccoli comuni che comunque esprimono identità attraverso la specialità e la loro identità. Grazie!
Link ad articolo dei colleghi di LN:
Foto a dx e copertina a cura di LN

“Il mio 2023”: viaggi e non solo. Per il 2024 auguro “Intraprendenza”

“Il mio 2023”: viaggi e non solo. Per il 2024 auguro “Intraprendenza”

It's time to take stock also for "Enzo's travels", or for me. An extraordinary year which saw at the center of my journey: the birth of Riccardo, "retirement", the birth of the blog, but also many trips near and far: from France to Spain up to Tenerife in a camper and then new commitments. Borrowing a quote from Lorenzo Radice pronounced by the bishop of Milan Mario Delpini: my wish for 2024 is to "undertake"...

riccardo e mani di enzo


The end of year budgets have arrived for me too, or rather for Enzo's travels. An exceptional year...let's start in order. Riccardo arrived on 30 July 2023. A joy desired by Federico and Ilenia which filled our families and brought them much closer. The first months were about attention, about "adaptation". During this period we saw little of the little one and the visits were rightly "limited". Then from the second month, we all got closer. From that moment on, Riccardo was always the center of our families' attention. Then I returned from my trip from Tenerife, and a special feeling was born with my grandson. Here are the smiles, my "stupid" faces, always inventing something to make him smile and rejoice. Now I'm starting to do my grandfather's "job" and take a few rides in a wheelchair. I haven't "changed" it yet, the privilege still belongs to mum and dad, but I don't give up... Thanks Ricky, thanks Fede and Ilenia. (birth link)


The project was in the air the day after my "retirement" arrived (May 2023) and the consequent farewell from my role as director of Sempione News which took place on July 1, 2023 strong>.
The new project aims to talk about one of my hobbies: travel. For me, travel is also about moving "close to home" or "domestic" excursions a stone's throw from the city. In the blog I talk about my experiences near us with the aim of SHARING" events that happen in the area, but above all of trips less nearby. In this case, after Ricky's birth, I talked about my camper trips, one of my identifying characteristics, in France, Spain and finally Tenerife (about two months). Each experience was a "collector" of humanity, sociality that enriched me and that I felt the need to "pass on" to you too...Have a good life...(link Enzo's travels)



The longed-for retirement in Italy is getting further and further away, and finally in May 2023 it was my turn too. (resignation from 1 July). After 43 years of service and 63 years of age (actual 52 years of work and 67 years of age) I left my last activity, that is, the direction of the online newspaper “SempioneNews”. The online newspaper that I created about 21 years ago has become over the years the first daily newspaper in the Alto Milanese area in terms of the attractiveness of the area going from Rho to Varese and "breaking away" wasn't easy.
I postponed the release after having followed, at the publisher's request, the Palio di Legnano 2023, with satisfaction because thanks to my son Federico, who was also at the time in the S.E.V. Group SpA, we have created an editorial team made up of around ten journalists and a team of five photographers and videomakers. “Show must go on” as Fred Mercury says. Thanks to Dr. ssa Bramati and thanks to the "boys-colleagues"...(link article by Sempionenews)


Resourcefulness also means looking ahead...After Ricky's birth and retirement, everything is ready for a new life. With Donatella and Fido Aramis, we leave for a month, August, for Northern France, direction "cliffs" of Etretat. Journey with stages rich in "diversity", culture, sociality. We touched on the most well-known “Unesco Heritage” with a hint of envy but also of observation of the differences with our Italy, which doesn't joke about World Heritage...(SEE SUMMARYI)

etretat orizzontale panorama
barcellona giro gaudi fuori


The same goes for the Tour in Spain but with other purposes.

Spain was an intermediate stop to reach Tenerife. In ten days, with my friend Antonietta and "her" trusty Martin, we crossed the beautiful Iberian peninsula "horizontally", leaving or arriving by ship from Barcelona, ​​up to Seville for boarding Huelva on the Fred-Olsen ferry towards Santa Cruz de Tenerife.

Here too, the colors and flavors of Hispanic culture. The sun, the sea, the dazzling culture of the big cities , such as Barcelona, ​​Valencia, Terragona, Cordoba up to the Moorish Seville….another bath in beauty (clearly the UNESCO World Heritage sites which are essential stages)...( stop a Barcelona)


The Tenerife experience is not just a journey. Tenerife is an anthropological study trip. In two months, in addition to visiting the natural beauties of the southernmost volcanic island of the Canary Archipelago, I "discovered" cultural beauties, sometimes not appropriately valorised by the "Canari", taken from a Tourism "exasperated", by a confusion that exists in the rush to live "everyone" in Tenerife. And here I discovered some positive aspects but also some critical aspects. First of all the climate factor, which is the fundamental attractor. The urban fairy tale of low living prices is no longer true. The prices of rentals and house purchases (due to a perverse "vacation" rule) have risen dramatically. The same goes for consumer goods, which have grown even more in the South of the Island. On the other hand, tax advantages (only if you are a resident!), free motorway, petrol for 1.2 euros, no heating …added together “Cuban” at least ten thousand euros!. I got this information by interviewing Italian citizens, Canarians and foreigners who in the column "Living in the Canary Islands" talked about the positivity and critical aspects of the volcanic island. (see interview)



Returning to the topic mentioned above, for me "undertaking"means not stopping and doing beautiful things, which make you happy in "your" time while respecting others, of its needs...but without exasperation...For me there are three "I's" for the future: Inspiration, Commitment, Resourcefulness. In this regard, one of my new projects is the direction of the official newspaper of the College of Captains and Contrade, Il Carroccio”. A project that I accepted with pleasure and pride. Here too the three I's. We have created a young and motivated editorial team and we want to bring innovation (INTRAPRENDE). Thanks to those who believed in me: the GM, Raffaele Bonito, the advisor Davide Fuschetto, the editorial team and finally thanks toPeppino!
My greatest wish for 2024 is serenity and resourcefulness because as an anonymous person says: “Resourcefulness is that thing that lies between wanting and being able”.
Happy 2024!
Happy new year
Happy New Year

Un Viaggio tra Le Mostre D’arte per le festività da Milano a Varese

Un Viaggio tra Le Mostre D’arte per le festività da Milano a Varese

Is the exhibition here? Borrowing from a famous phrase, here are some ideas-suggestions for this holiday weekend while waiting for the new year. From Milan passing through Legnano, Gallarate up to Varese many exhibitions underway for the holidays. Beauty surrounds us. (sources and Yes Milano) …


We start from Milan, the cultural as well as economic capital of the country and the Region.
At Mudec NEWSHA TAVAKOLIAN. AND he THEY LAUGHED AT ME. Until January 28, 2024

Until January 28, Denis Curti, curates this solo exhibition organized by the Deloitte Foundation and Deloitte Italia in collaboration with 24 ORE Cultura present at the Mudec Photo. Newsha Tavakolian's work is presented – through an immersive installation – in the exclusive spaces of Mudec Photo, which since 2018 have continuously hosted exhibitions of the greatest photographers of the twentieth century and our contemporary era.

Moroni – Il ritratto del suo tempo. Gallerie d’Italia

At the Gallerie d'Italia - Milan – MORONI (1521 – 1580). THE PORTRAIT OF HIS TIME, The exhibition started from 06 December 2023 to 01 April 2024, for a fee,  is curated bySimone Facchinetti and Arturo Galansino.
It is included in the Bergamo Brescia Italian Capital of Culture 2023 program and is created in partnership with the Academia Carraraof Bergamo and the Brescia Musei Foundation strong>. The exhibition, the first dedicated to the career of Giovan Battista Moroni, presents over 100 works including drawings, books, medals, armor, but above all paintings coming from prestigious international museums such as the National Gallery in London, the Kunsthistorisches Museum in Vienna, Gemäldegalerie – Staatliche Museen in Berlin, the Musée du Louvre, the Museo Nacional del Prado, the National Gallery of Art in Washington and the Philadelphia Museum of Art. Moroni's works are flanked by important figurative testimonies by Lotto, Moretto, Savoldo, Anthonis Mor, Titian, Veronese and Tintoretto. ​

Milan- Mussa, Royal Palace of Milan

Dal 06 Dicembre 2023 al 04 Febbraio 2024, inaugurata con la apertura della Scala, la mostra curata da Antonio Calbi è a ingresso gratuito ed è promossa dall’Ufficio Cultura del Comune di Milano.

Until 4 February 2024, in the ten rooms of the Appartamento dei Principi, Patrizia Mussa's exhibition presents a journey of analysis of theatricality in architecture through 60 large-format photographs where the photographic act joins the pictorial gesture through refined coloring interventions by hand.

Milano – Altro

In addition to those presented in Milan, From Perugino to Palazzo Marino to Beato Angelico to the Diocesan Museum are also underway. At Palazzo Reale and Triennale Gabriele Basilico. My cities

Sempre a Palazzo Reale si può visitare, dal 31 ottobre al 3 marzo 2024Francisco Goya il mondo stava cambiando.  E per concludere sempre a Palazzo Reale Giorgio Morandi con le sue nature mortefiori e paesaggi, sarà in mostra a Palazzo Reale fino al 4 febbraio 2024.
Per ulteriori info vai su Yes Milano il portale delle Mostre Milanesi.

Legnano – Helidon Xhixda reflects with light andThe Bronze Age necropolis in Canegrate

Two exhibitions so different from each other that they are worth visiting. One is Open Air or “Legnano, sublime reflected distortions” by Helidon Xhixda a reflection on light, but above all on the current social, climatological and cultural situation with five installations in five points of the city(see post)
The second to Leone da Perego, The Bronze Age necropolis in Canegrate, refers to recent and previous discoveries for the so-called “Canegrate culture”. On display in Legnano the Bronze Age necropolis of Canegrate, the largest in Northern Italy will remain open until March 17th. An opportunity to learn about the history, or rather the prehistory of our territory. Opening hours:Saturday, Sunday and holidays – 10:00-12:30 | 3pm-7pm. Closing 25 December, 1 January 2024

GALLARATE: Dadamaino

From Dadamaino to today, at the Maga in Gallarate it is possible to have three new retrospective exhibitions to discover contemporary art. Until 4 April 2024, three different itineraries have been set up, starting from the avant-garde artist "student" of Fontana up to more recent research by Michele Ciacciofera and Giovanni Campus. The exhibition retraces the main stages of the career of Dadamaino (Emilia Maino), from 1959 to his death, presented through 80 works distributed along the entire route of the Museum. The upper floor is occupied by the beginnings, with the powerful invention of the Volumi, and the entire phase of youthful experimentation, compared and in dialogue with works by contemporary artists, from Piero Manzoni to Gianni Colombo.

VARESE: Civic Museums and Masnago Castle

Civic Museums of Varese, the exhibitions to see during the Christmas period. From the travels and archaeological discoveries of the Castiglioni brothers on display at Villa Mirabello, to the works of Guttuso, Baj, Tavernari on display at Masnago Castle, up to the exhibition dedicated to Bassanini, between architecture, engineering, design and construction business…

The exhibition “From the sixteenth century to the twentieth century” was recently inaugurated at the Masnago Castle. Unknown works from the collection of the Civic Museums of Varese”, which allows the public to rediscover works that have long been kept in municipal deposits and finally brought to light thanks to research for the new general catalogue. Some artists on display: Bertini, with “La siesta o Riposo campestre” from 1870, Bazzaro and Mosé Bianchi, but also De Bernardi,with a "View of the Sacro Monte di Varese" from 1934.
In short, for these holidays, about 30 minutes from home, it is possible to discover the beauty that surrounds us...

Una via e la benemerenza a Santino Ceriani

A path and merit to Santino Ceriani

Unfortunately I was away during the naming ceremony of the street after Santino Ceriani. But I consider it "dutiful" to remember this event also in conjunction with the celebrations of the centenary of the victory of Santino's fellow citizen, Libero Ferrario. The same goes for the merit to a man, an entrepreneur who knew how to "Enterprise" and which the entire Ceriani family was able to gather (photo by Beppe Fierro)…

Centenary of Libero Ferrario and Ceriani Group

In the year of the centenary of Libero Ferrario's world championship victory, the beginning of the celebrations for the centenary of Ceriani Group srl, the merit to Santino Ceriani s.r.l. ,received by his son Walter during the official ceremony in the Municipality and desired by the MayorRaffaele Cucchi, awarded a man, a "Visionary" entrepreneur: Santino Ceriani.
The entrepreneur was awarded for the "maximum expression of appreciation of the entire community". In truth, further recognition was also paid to Sandro Cogliati. Together they were men of sport, supporters of the long wave of Parabiaghese cycling which gave us the champions Libero Ferrario, Giuseppe Saronni and most recently Martina Alzini, world champion in pursuit in 2022

Targa e benemerenza al contributo verso la comunità

In the presence of the excited Walter Ceriani, the merits were collected and then followed by the ceremony of unveiling the plaque to Santino Ceriani s.r.l. , laid by him together withMayor Raffaele Cucchi between viaSpagliardi, via del Riale and via Sant'Ambrogio.
Why is it necessary to talk about it?
Because, as I have always said, we live in a place of beauty, of men and women who have helped us grow also entrepreneurially, creating well-being for themselves and for the community, they have represented an indelible piece of history.

viaggi di enzo Walter ceriani 100 (2)

Generational change 

I'm talking about Walter, but also six of his children and grandchildren, who have carried the name of Parabiagoaround the Alto Milanese area and all of Lombardy. Now the baton has been passed to the children and grandchildren, in particular to Tommaso and Federica who are already working in the company. In one of my interviews, the two stated: "We want to carry on what our grandparents and parents started". And these statements fill the heart and move towards the "concrete generational transition", not conferences! (see article e interview)

Official reasons

The text of the plaque installed on the flowerbed: "In Parabiago Santino Pasquale Ceriani, already an established manufacturer of Excelsior brand bicycles with which the talented cyclist Libero Ferrario won numerous races, sows the seed, becoming a FIAT dealer, from which a reality will flourish that for one hundred years (1923 - 2023) has successfully promoted the use of the automobile as an instrument of humanity's progress. In Parabiago Libero Ferrario brings, for the first time in Italy, the world champion jersey won in the cycling race held in Zurich on 25 August 1923. Ceriani and Ferrario, two friends, two people from Parabiago who will remain forever in the history of the city".
