A Tenerife anche per …festeggiar 50 anni di matrimonio

10 Feb 2024

I had the pleasure of meeting two old friends by chance at H10 in Tenerife: Pietro and Maria Bonzi. And do you know why I'm here? To celebrate their 50th ... but not only ...

Intervista ai festeggiati: Maria e Pietro

Tenerife for love!

By chance, but we also followed each other on social media, I met the two "boys", aficionados from Tenerife. This meeting made me discover the reason for their visit here to isla feliz: to celebrate 50 years of life together. A great achievement for these two "young men" who are well known in Legnano. Pietro, an entrepreneur and always involved in culture together with Ornella de "Liceali" (their exhibitions on Dante, Francis etc. are unforgettable. Maria, a teacher in the historic "kindergartens" of the city and now a key element of Caritas Legnanese.
Two characters, in short. But when we meet, they give me further good news: Maria had her birthday on the 7th and Pietro has his birthday today, February 10th: in short, three celebrations in one fell swoop!...What more could you want...But I told him I also ask for more...And they, not prepared, out of...goodness, let themselves go...

Perchè venire a Tenerife

Maria immediately speaks up:It's the third year we've come here to H10. We like it because it is secluded, it has a lush garden, although it is large in size and then here there is a promenade that connects the Caleta to the Duque

And then in unison:“we love the Canary Islands. Pietro and Maria add we love Lanzarote: it is a priceless mix of nature and beauty. artistic testimony that painted the island making it an excellence".

But we also love Masca, because it is a mix of volcanic lava and the victory of flora. Then Candelaria: where history stopped with many testimonies of the Guanches..."
At this point I also suggest a cultural location that is not always valorised: the pyramids of Guimar…And they assure me that next time, if they don't succeed now, they will visit them for sure!

And then a beautiful day to celebrate!

After the "torn" interview, they invite me for a ride together. I accept with pleasure.
Our day, we are now almost at midday, begins with the walk that borders the H10. We head towards the beautiful "La Caleta": a fishing village that is now "attacked" by tourism with bars and shops overlooking the "fjord". Here an aperitif is a must at the Chiringhito de la Calata. To honor the two "newlyweds", we are lucky enough to see the "gliding - landing" of a hang glider...
A gift to Pietro and Maria.

La scoperta de la “Nave”

Ma le sorprese non finiscono qui e ci dirigiamo verso “la nave”: una struttura alberghiera enorme che da lontano, inorridisce. Decidiamo di avvicinarci e le sorprese arrivano subito.

Grazie alla visione dell’architetto, ma meglio dire di uno studio di fama internazionale, scopriamo che: ci sono viali a dimensione uomo, è stato creato un’ecosistema con la flora autoctona dove fanno bella vista “il drago” e altre piante canarie. Ed infine la “terrazza” da dove si scorge tutta l’insenatura de la Caleta…Insomma una scoperta che grazie a Maria e Pietro, mi ha fatto “ricredere”.

Return to the hotel, where we have lunch together literally on the swimming pool (in the sense that below us there is the possibility of observing the water and the swimmers)...
And after the much appreciated lunch with an auspicious toast to celebrate as many fifty, we take our leave.
Congratulations Maria, Congratulations Pietro! Buenas Vida!



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